Educational CAD Model Library Engineering Objects

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1 to 4 of 4 Results
Mar 8, 2024
Fore, Ashley; Novitski, Ryan, 2024, "Gear Train Wind Turbine",, University of Virginia Dataverse, V2
A gear train is the foundation of any mechanical system that is formed by mounting gears on a frame so the teeth of the gears can engage to transmit torque or power to the device. Let's discover how a wind turbine uses this mechanical systems to take wind energy and convert it to...
Sep 26, 2023
Bull, Glen; Watts, Jo, 2023, "Linear Motor",, University of Virginia Dataverse, V2
The Make to Learn Linear Motor can be used to explore principles of electricity and magnetism while providing historical context.
Jun 23, 2023
Bull, Glen, 2023, "Praxinoscope",, University of Virginia Dataverse, V2
In this project, students will assemble a model of a praxinoscope, observe essential components of animation machines, and determine how the essential components work together to create the illusion of animation.
Jun 21, 2023
Bull, Glen; Gibson, Rachel, 2023, "Animation Machine",, University of Virginia Dataverse, V3
This animation machine emulates the opening and closing of the shutter of a film projector as a strip of images moves past the aperture. This enables students to experience the phenomenon of persistence of vision that makes film and television possible.
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