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1 to 4 of 4 Results
Nov 6, 2024 - North American Climate History
Stertzer, Jennifer, 2024, "NEH - DHAG program Level 1 White Paper",, University of Virginia Dataverse, V1
Overview of work completed during the 2022-2024 grant period. This project was funded by a Level 1 Digitial Humanities Advancement Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). "The Digital Humanities Advancement Grants program (DHAG) supports work that is innovativ...
North American Climate History(University of Virginia)
Nov 6, 2024
The North American Climate History project is a collaborative effort between the Papers of Thomas Jefferson at Princeton University, the Center for Digital Editing at the University of Virginia, and the Center for Digital Scholarship at the American Philosophical Society. The Nat...
Sep 28, 2022 - The Papers of Julian Bond
Julian Bond, 2022, "Published Documents",, University of Virginia Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:/Fldf59gYJmIOLNmj1KxAg== [fileUNF]
All documents and the associated metadata that have been published by the project so far, primarily as early access records. Early Access documents are first versions. They are raw transcriptions that have been proofread once and published, with the goal offering public access as...
The Papers of Julian Bond(University of Virginia)
The Papers of Julian Bond logo
Sep 28, 2022
The Julian Bond Papers Project is an innovative digital project that seeks not only to make the life’s work of Civil Rights icon Julian Bond freely available to the public but also to render accessible the editorial process to community historians, crowdsourced transcriptionists,...
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