1 to 3 of 3 Results
Aug 15, 2019
Burtraw, Dallas; Holt, Charles; Palmer, Karen; Paul, Anthony; Shobe, William, 2019, "Replication data for: Quantities with Prices (RFF Working Paper 18-08)", https://doi.org/10.18130/V3/N56FBE, University of Virginia Dataverse, V2, UNF:6:V8iY0z0cB8pTBDXnCHSzhQ== [fileUNF]
Data is in multiple tabs in a Microsoft Excel worksheet. Reference fields allow linking of the observations across sheets. [Works well in a relational database.] Code for analysis presented in the paper is in the accompanying R code file (R markdown format). |
Aug 14, 2019
Holt, Charles; Shobe, William, 2019, "Replication data for: Price and quantity collars for stabilizing emission allowance prices: Laboratory experiments on the EU ETS market stability reserve", https://doi.org/10.18130/V3/840LLR, University of Virginia Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:3yNLKxf8UqygU2WuzoltUg== [fileUNF]
Data from a set of experimental sessions. The data is stored in a series of separate "sheets" in a Microsoft Excel worksheet. The R code for the data analysis presented in the resulting paper is included in a separate file in R markdown format. |
Apr 22, 2019
Danel, Alexander; Thomas, Benjamin, 2019, "Open Data for Political Influence and the Federal Trade Commission: Did Reform Ever Happen?", https://doi.org/10.18130/V3/DYVQ4C, University of Virginia Dataverse, V1, UNF:6:4BYQqcEMDEqIyZN9ud0S7g== [fileUNF]
This is the open dataset provided for the 2018-19 Oculus journal submission. |