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Dec 9, 2024
Chen, Bingzhe, 2024, "Replication Data for: A Comprehensive Dataset for Climate Analysis and Weather Prediction", https://doi.org/10.18130/V3/9HUMM1, University of Virginia Dataverse, V1
The dataset includes secondary data derived from ERA5 raw GRIB files, which are publicly available through the Copernicus Climate Data Store. ERA5 is a comprehensive global climate reanalysis dataset that provides hourly estimates of a wide array of atmospheric, land, and oceanic...
Apr 28, 2022
Johnson, Cecile K.; Schmuckler, Hannah E., 2022, "Longitudinal Classification and Predictive Modeling for Historical CPS Data Using Random Forests", https://doi.org/10.18130/V3/6RUBPV, University of Virginia Dataverse, V3, UNF:6:GoXKO00nFvmtn7RuMdHoBQ== [fileUNF]
Contains crosswalks, forests generated using them, test results and full prediction outputs.
Mar 23, 2021
Zazzera, André; Hoffman, Kevin; Sung, Jae, 2021, "Data for Random Forests for Early Planet Growth Emulation", https://doi.org/10.18130/V3/SX7JNS, University of Virginia Dataverse, V1
Dataset for UVA MSDS/Astronomy Capstone Group, doing research on early planet formation and machine learning emulation of the processes. In particular, the pre-trained models for the random forest algorithm and a further prediction quality classifier are also contained here, for...
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