Cell Maps for Artificial Intelligence (CM4AI) will deliver machine-readable hierarchical maps of cell architecture as AI-ready data, together with quarterly data releases of map-input data streams. CM4AI cell maps are produced from multimodal interrogation of chromatin modifiers, metabolic enzymes, and other proteins involved in cancer, neuropsychiatric, and cardiac disorders in disease-relevant cell lines under treated and untreated conditions, utilizing state-of-the-art mass spectrometry-based proteomics, spatial proteomics / cell imaging, and genetic perturbations via CRISPR/Cas9. CM4AI is a collaboration of UCSD, UCSF, Stanford, UVA, Yale, UT Austin, UA Birmingham, Simon Fraser University, and the Hastings Center, as part of the NIH Bridge2AI program.
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Mar 3, 2025
Clark T; Parker J; Al Manir S; Axelsson U; Ballllosero Navarro F; Chinn B; Churas CP; Dailamy A; Doctor Y; Fall J; Forget A; Gao J; Hansen JN; Hu M; Johannesson A; Khaliq H; Lee YH; Lenkiewicz J; Levinson MA; Marquez C; Metallo C; Muralidharan M; Nourreddine S; Niestroy J; Obernier K; Pan E; Polacco B; Pratt D; Qian G; Schaffer L; Sigaeva A; Thaker S; Zhang Y; Bélisle-Pipon JC; Brandt C; Chen JY; Ding Y; Fodeh S; Krogan N; Lundberg E; Mali P; Payne-Foster P; Ratcliffe S; Ravitsky V; Sali A; Schulz W; Ideker T, 2025, "Cell Maps for Artificial Intelligence - March 2025 Data Release (Beta)", https://doi.org/10.18130/V3/B35XWX, University of Virginia Dataverse, V1
This dataset is the March 2025 Data Release of Cell Maps for Artificial Intelligence (CM4AI; CM4AI.org), the Functional Genomics Grand Challenge in the NIH Bridge2AI program. This Beta release includes perturb-seq data in undifferentiated KOLF2.1J iPSCs; SEC-MS data in undifferen...
May 11, 2024
Clark, Timothy; Schaffer, Leah; Obernier, K; Al Manir, Sadnan; Churas, Christopher; Dailamy, A; Doctor, Y; Forget, A; Hansen, JN; Hu, M; Lenkiewicz, J; Levinson, MA; Marquez, C; Mohan, J; Nourreddine, S; Niestroy, J; Pratt, D; Qian, G; Thaker, S; Belisle-Pipon, J-C; Brandt, C; Chen, J; Ding, Y; Fodeh, S; Krogan, N; Lundberg, E; Mali, P; Payne-Foster, P; Ratcliffe, S; Ravitsky, V; Sali, A; Schulz, W; Ideker, T, 2024, "Cell Maps for Artificial Intelligence - Data Release", https://doi.org/10.18130/V3/DXWOS5, University of Virginia Dataverse, V1
This collection is the 0.5 alpha data release of the the Cell Maps for Artificial Intelligence (CM4AI) Functional Genomics Data Generation Project, a component of the U.S. National Institute of Health’s (NIH) Bridge2AI program. CM4AI’s objective is to deliver machine-readable hie...
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