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Jan 7, 2025
Jäggi, Noah; Dukes, Catherine A., 2025, "Replication Data for: Magnesium sulfide powder analyzed by XPS", https://doi.org/10.18130/V3/ZMRE0S, University of Virginia Dataverse, V1
From manuscript: "Survey and high-resolution (Mg 1s, Mg 2p, S 2p) X-ray photoelectron spectra of as-received magnesium sulfide powder (99.9%) are presented, including surface contaminants that originate from exposure to atmosphere, (C 1s, O 1s). Minor impurities derived from samp...
Oct 4, 2024
Stelmach, Kamil, 2024, "Search for Chirality in Hydrogenated Magnesium Nanosilicates: A DFT and TD-DFT Investigation", https://doi.org/10.18130/V3/AEANWV, University of Virginia Dataverse, V1
The formation of silicate grains in the interstellar medium (ISM), especially those containing chiral surfaces like clinopyroxenes, is poorly understood. Moreover, silicate interactions with various forms of hydrogen – proton (H+), neutral H (HI), and molecular hydrogen (H2) – ar...
Oct 3, 2024
LASP, 2024, "NASA 2014 Solar System Workings Award", https://doi.org/10.18130/V3/NGVF8W, University of Virginia Dataverse, V1
Space processing of asteroidal surfaces and the formation of new chemical species at Vesta and Ceres.
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